Cancer Treatments
Pet Cancer And Treatment
While a cancer diagnosis can be a heartbreaking moment, it isn't necessarily impossible to overcome for our pets any more with lots of available treatment options. Unfortunately, though, it is one of the most expensive diseases to treat, given hospital stays, surgeries, drugs used and the length of care, so pet insurance can be extremely helpful. Make sure you purchase a policy that doesn't have any caps on annual or lifetime claim payouts. If your pet were to get sick, you'll be glad that your coverage doesn't top out. Enrolling early is key.
What Cancer Treatment Does the Healthy Paws Plan Cover?
The Healthy Paws plan has cancer coverage built into every policy without any caps on payouts. Plan coverage includes:
- Cancer diagnostics
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Lab tests
- Ultrasounds
- X-ray
- Surgery
- Hospitalization
- Prescription medications
- Alternative therapy
- Rehabilitation
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Healthy Paws Customer Stories*
The Latest Advancement in Pet Cancer Treatment
Just as in human medicine, many treatment options are available including chemotherapy and high-tech surgeries that can help your pet beat cancer. Integrative veterinary oncology is a rapidly growing field, which means your irreplaceable pet has a much greater chance than ever of beating cancer.
CyberKnife™ Radiosurgery is a high-tech version of radiation therapy that offers new hope to pets whose tumors were considered inoperable. CyberKnife makes it possible for the veterinarian to treat the affected areas more precisely and to approach them from almost any angle, unlike traditional radiation therapy. The benefits can be extraordinary. For example, a nasal tumor that requires fifteen to twenty conventional sessions and exposes the mouth, eyes, and brain to radiation can be treated in only three CyberKnife sessions. That's five times less anesthesia, five times fewer trips to the hospital, and fewer side effects. Some brain tumors are even eradicated in just one treatment!
Chemotherapy for pets has also gained popularity recently. Unlike human medicine, chemotherapy for pets is usually palliative, meaning the treatment helps keep pain and suffering minimal while not aggressively attacking the body. Chemotherapy is often used in conjunction with antibody therapy, a system that identifies which cells in the body are cancerous, as well as immunotherapy, which supercharges your pet's immune system to help fight the cancer.
As veterinary technology advances, many new treatment plans will be available for our furry friends. However, these advanced treatment options come with a corresponding price tag and can easily exceed $10,000 for several cancer treatment sessions.
Get an instant quote now and take the first step to protect your furry best friend.

"Healthy Paws Pet Insurance is the greatest decision we ever made for our dog, Sophie. She was recently diagnosed with cancer. The piece of mind we get with this insurance is amazing. We are able to get her the best treatment possible without financial stress. The customer service is wonderful, and reimbursements are always fast. I highly recommend Healthy Paws to anyone with a pet."
Diane, Google Reviews
A Frightening Fact
Cancer is the #1 disease-related killer of pets. It can strike your pooch or little purry one at any age, although it's more common in older pets. Certain breeds of dogs and cats have higher rates of cancer than others. So be sure to talk to your veterinarian about potential risk factors. And remember, early detection is the key to successful treatment and recovery. By taking your pet to the vet every year, you can hopefully catch it early and treatment options might be available. Also, enroll in pet insurance early to help with the costs of veterinary care if the unexpected were to happen.
Get an instant quote now and take the first step to protect your furry best friend.
* The claim scenarios described here are intended to show the types of situations that may result in claims. These scenarios should not be compared to any other claim. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law. Insureds providing testimonials in this report have not received compensation for their statements.