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Halloween can be a spooky time, especially for our animals. Before setting out bowls full of off-limits treats and opening the door to a parade of little goblins and ghouls, it’s important to proactively manage your pet’s actions in order to keep everyone safe and happy. Try these quick behavior tips to keep dogs from being spooked:
Designate a candy distributer
Have someone sit outside your house to distribute candy to trick-or-treaters. That way, candy-seeking kiddos won’t have to knock on the door or ring the door bell — and your dog will be much calmer and less noisy for the night.

Utilize background noise
Turn on the radio or watch a Halloween movie at a medium volume to help block out the noise of trick-or-treaters.

Distract your dog with a toy
Give your dog a new chew toy to distract him from the commotion.

Keep candy out of reach
Prevent an unplanned vet visit by keeping candy bowls and treat bags out of reach to avoid your dog devouring something that could make him sick.
Keep your dog away from the front door
Crate your pup in a room as far away from the front door as possible (for particularly skittish dogs, even the basement might be a good idea).

Consider a doggy vacation
As a last resort, consider boarding your dog overnight at a kennel that he adores or leaving him with a friend whose home doesn’t get trick-or-treaters. He’ll be safely away from the Halloween festivities, and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the holiday.