Halloween is right around the corner! Dog Halloween costume ideas are everywhere, but we’ve rounded up the best dynamic duos for pet parents with fur babies and human ones. Halloween costumes for dogs can be cheeky, hilarious and adorable, but most of all they need to be memorable. Ask your children what they want to be, then try and brainstorm a dog Halloween costume that would fit in! Whether you choose to DIY or go store-made – who has time to bedazzle wings for a pug? – make sure your pet is as comfortable as possible in their costume.
For more awesome Halloween costumes for dogs and kids, visit our Pinterest!
1. The cast of Frozen

2. Darth Vader and an AT-AT
3. Buzz Lightyear and Woody
4. Sherlock Holmes and Watson
5. Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
6. Police K-9 Unit
7. Pirate and First Mate
8. Ring-mistress and Circus Lion
9. Elliot and E.T.